The Budget and Advocacy Committee and the Committee on Legislation and Policy of the APLU Board on Agriculture Assembly

About Us
The Board on Agriculture Assembly: Structured for Success
The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) represents 251 public universities and is comprised of various commissions, boards, and sections. One of the most prominent and legislatively active APLU organizations is the Board on Agriculture Assembly (BAA), which represents the interests of land-grant colleges of agriculture and natural resources and related institutions.
BAA Structure
The BAA is comprised of five sections: (1) Administrative Heads Section; (2) agInnovation (formerly Experiment Station Section); (3) Cooperative Extension Section; (4) Academic Programs Section; and (5) International Agriculture Section. Management of the BAA falls to its 10-member Policy Board of Directors (PBD). The BAA has three standing committees that report to the PBD:
Budget and Advocacy Committee
Committee on Legislation and Policy
Communications and Marketing Committee
The BAA also has a corps of about 125 citizen advocates from around the country who are appointed by their respective land-grant deans and directors. This group — the Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching (CARET) — meets once a year in Washington, DC, in a joint session with the Administrative Heads Section.
Policy Board of Directors
Chaired by Ernie Minton, Dean, College of Agriculture, Kansas State University
The Policy Board of Directors (PBD) of the Board on Agriculture Assembly (BAA) takes appropriate action on key matters affecting the interests of the member institutions and of the Assembly and is responsible to APLU for the management of Assembly affairs.
Budget and Advocacy Committee
Chaired by Michael Boehm, Vice Chancellor, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The Budget and Advocacy Committee (BAC) is a standing committee of the Board on Agriculture's Policy Board of Directors and is responsible for the preparation of an annual budget recommendation for those matters relating to agriculture and related areas that are of special concern to the member institutions and for coordinating the presentation of these recommendations to the BAA Policy Board of Directors in a timely fashion. The BAC also will work with the Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching (CARET) and undertake the necessary and appropriate advocacy activities to effectively implement the budget recommendations adopted by the BAA Policy Board of Directors. The BAC communicates these budget recommendations to the APLU Council on Governmental Affairs, federal agencies (including the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Office of Management and Budget), U.S. House of Representatives and United States Senate, and other individuals and groups as deemed appropriate by the BAC
Committee on Legislation and Policy
Chaired by Marshall Stewart, Senior Vice President for Executive Affairs, University Engagement and Partnerships, Chief of Staff, Kansas State University
The Committee on Legislation and Policy (CLP) is a standing committee of the Board on Agriculture's Policy Board of Directors, and is responsible for coordinating all activities of the Board on Agriculture Assembly (BAA) as it relates to Farm Bill legislation and other legislative and/or regulatory activities of interest to the BAA. This includes: developing and implementing strategies in the initial development of the legislation; coordinating a support base for initiatives development by the CLP as the legislation moves through the Congress and/or the Executive Branch; and, monitoring and impacting subsequent programs and regulations that are authorized in the legislation.
The voting membership of the Board on Agriculture Assembly's Committee on Legislation and Policy is representative of the diverse agricultural interests served by the Board on Agriculture Assembly.
Communications and Marketing Committee
Chaired by Shelly Nickols-Richardson, Associate Dean, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences and Director, University of Illinois Extension & Outreach
The Communications and Marketing Committee (CMC) is a standing committee of APLU’s Board on Agriculture Assembly (BAA) Policy Board of Directors. The CMC oversees and guides the educational effort to increase awareness of the land-grant universities’ agricultural and related programs, Agricultural Experiment Stations, and Cooperative Extension Services.